Friday, April 15, 2011

Quicksort and Quick Select



Partition Implementation

#define swap(x,y) temp=y;y=x;x=temp; //could get the addresses and swap without temp

//Partition the array range (left-right) and returns the partition index
int partition(int numbers[], int left, int right, int pivotIndex)
    int temp;
    int pivotValue = numbers[pivotIndex];
    swap(numbers[pivotIndex], numbers[right]); // Move pivot to end
    int storeIndex = left;

    for(int i = left; i < right; i++) // left <= i < right
        if(numbers[i] <= pivotValue)
            swap(numbers[i], numbers[storeIndex]);

    swap(numbers[storeIndex], numbers[right]); // Move pivot to its final place
    return storeIndex;

Quick Sort Implementation

void quick_sort(int numbers[], int left ,int right)
    int ipivot;
        ipivot= left + (right-left)/2;
        ipivot = partition(numbers, left, right, ipivot);
        quick_sort(numbers, left, ipivot-1); //left
        quick_sort(numbers, ipivot+1 ,right); //right

Quick Select Implementation

//Returns kth smallest number -
//this also gives all numbers smaller than the kth number in the array
//That is the array has fist k smallest numbers - unsorted-
int quick_select(int numbers[], int left ,int right, int k)
    int ipivot;
        ipivot= left + (right-left)/2;
        ipivot = partition(numbers, left, right, ipivot);
        if(ipivot == k)
            return numbers[ipivot];
            return quick_select(numbers, left, ipivot-1); //left
                return quick_select(numbers, ipivot+1 ,right); //right
        return -1;

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